We offer 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing solutions

Techno Surface starts a strategic alliance, coordinating the multinational group IntegrAM, of integrated solutions for additive manufacturing – www.integram.eu

  • Explore with Techno SURFACE the opportunities offered by Additive Manufacturing technologies.

  • We collaborate with modern companies to distribute state-of-the-art technological systems in both metals and polymers.

  • Our specialization is to offer post-process and finishing solutions, suggesting, where required, some subcontracting services with reliable and expert partners, equipped with the most modern infrastructures and technologies.

  • Finally, thanks to the multinational and multidisciplinary network IntegrAM, we can ensure a plurality of skills which, combined in a single highly specialized and technological program, allows you to tackle additive manufacturing at 360 ° with high professionalism and competence.


The galaxy of 3D printing and additive manufacturing is something relatively recent, complex, highly specialized, branched and constantly evolving. Made up of three distinct worlds, namely pre-processing, additive manufacturing and the vast world of post processing and finishing, this vast galaxy is made up of manufacturers of powders and filaments, raw materials of 3D printing. Of software and pre-processing solutions such as reverse-engineering. Of additive manufacturing plants, from the hobbyist one to be assembled at home, to very complex plants and for large volumes of industrial production.

The world of post processes and surface finishing is also very complex and the solutions offered do not always correspond to sustainable solutions aligned with the circular economy. For this reason, the IntegrAM team offers support consisting not only of hardware solutions and products, but also of expertise and advice that can guide you towards the most balanced and reasonable choice.

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